Swift River Company installed the first ESAC units in the USA in the mid 1980s. Since then, these units have had a great track record. Thank you Francois Larger!!!


ESAC Powerplant at Sebec Lake, Maine


Ken Smith P.E. (Mr. ESAC!!!) and Warren Fay (the Wizard) dismantling the Collins Dam, ESAC Turbine. Ken has more experience working on these ESAC units then anyone else in the USA. He has maintained the Collins Dam, Sebec Lake Dam and Chicopee Falls ESAC units since they were originally installed in the mid 1980s. He can be reached at 508-867-6976 if you have ESAC problems.

ESAC Unit being disassembled for seal replacement, Collins Dam, Wilbraham, MA

ESAC Unit looking into Kaplan Hub from turbine pit.

ESAC Turbine, Kaplan cross head

Location of ROPAC Seal on ESAC unit