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Rebuilding 120" Niles Boring Mill HYDROELECTRIC SITES: Anasagunticook Lake Dam Replacement- C.Fay & W.Fay Appleton Wisconsin Anniversary Senor Bonifettis' sites in Chile Turners Falls Generator Rewind USEFUL ENGINEERING: Admitting Air to Turbine Runners Improves Efficiency, S. Logan Kerr Air Admission to Hydro Runners, David Cox, USCOE, Kerr Dam The Banki Water Turbine Mockmoore and Merryfield Bishops Method- STABGM Program Blade Pitting- Boving LTD 1930 Cavitation- Accelerated Research, Allis Chalmers Research Cavitation & Vibration of a Draft Tube Cavitation- Prevention & Reduction, Allis Chalmers Research Causes & Effects of Cavitation in Hydraulic Turbines Chain Turbine by: Nguyen Minh Duy Chain Turbine Mechanics- Discussions with Duy Characteristics of Modern Hydraulic Turbines-Chester Larner Comparative Tests On Experimental Draft Tubes- C M Allen & I A Winter 1923 Design of an Overshot Waterwheel (by Carl Weidner) Design of Small Water Turbines for Farm and Small Communities Design of the runner of a Kaplan turbine for small hydroelectric power plants: Timo Flaspöhler Draft Tubes of Hydro-Electric Stations by M. F. Gubin Ejection into Tailraces of Hydropower Plants: S. M. Slisskii Erection & Alignment of Vertical Waterwheel Generator Units-R.O. Standing Evolution of Hydraulic Prime Movers-Byron McCoy Fall Increaser Herschel Venturi Tube Fall Increaser Moody Ejector Turbine Fall Increaser Hydraulic Jump Apron Generator Shaft Design Calculation- Olav Hodtvedt Governor Theory for the Plant Operator Graphics of Water Wheels- William Fox Hydraulic Motors- M. Bresse & F. A. Mahan 1869 Hydraulic Turbine and Governor Field Erection Information Hydraulic Turbines- Robert Long Daugherty Hydraulic Turbines by Arnold Pfau Hydraulic Turbines Gelpke & Van Cleve Hydrokinetic Energy in Massachusetts, William D. B. Fay Impulse Turbines by Ely Hutchinson Interference fitting a large runner shaft Kaplan Blade Design NACA Air Foil- Report No. 460 Kaplan Blade Design NACA Air Foil- Report No. 628 Kaplan Design Marko Kogovsek.xls A Laboratory Study to Improve the Efficiency of Crossflow Turbines- N. Aziz & V. Desai Low Head Hydroplants, Emil Mosonyi Meggering Earth Resistance Motors as Generators for Microhydro, Nigel Smith Operation & Maintenance of Hydro-Generators Out Gassing of Cross Flow Turbines Parallel Operation of Turbines Analysis Powerhouse Design- Miniwatt Hydro Rack Design-Chicopee-Olav Hotvedt Rack Design- Hydraulic Institue of Munich Rack Design-Flow Induced Vibrations Selecting Hydraulic Reaction Turbines BUREC Snows Improved Water Wheel Governor Standard for Hydraulic Turbine and Generator Shaft Couplings and Shaft Runout Tolerances Stoplog Structure Design Calculation Stress Analysis of Hydraulic Turbine Parts, BUREC- F.O. Ruud Some Fluid Flow Characteristics of a Cross Flow Type Hydraulic Turbine- Durgin & Fay Tenth Census of the US, 1880, Water Power of the US, Part I- Professor Trowbridge Tenth Census of the US, 1880, Water Power of the US, Part II- Professor Trowbridge Tests on a Kaplan Hydraulic Turbine Theoretical Conditions Related to an Open Channel Flow Linear Turbine- Ishida & Service Theory of Turbines- De Volson Wood Treatise relative to the Testing of Water-Wheels and Machinery, James Emerson 1879 Trash Rack Differential Equations 2L/3 Trashrack Differential Equations General Solution f(x) Turbine Water-Wheel Tests- Robert Horton Turgo, A High Speed Impulse Turbine- Paul Wilson Water Hammer-Lorenzo Allievi-Text Water Hammer-Lorenzo Allievi-Figures Water Hammer-ASME Symposium 1933 Waterpower Engineering-Daniel Webster Mead Water Turbines Contributions to Their Study, Computation and Design-S.J. Zowski TRADE CATALOUGES: Bradway Turbine (progressive gate) Christiana Machine (register gate) Electric Machinery Company (EM) Head Gate Hoists- S. Morgan Smith J & W Jolly (cylinder gate) Lombard Direct-Connected Oil Pressure Governors Bulletin N0. 113 October 1st, 1912 Lombard Governor Company Type T Instruction Book Lombard Governors for Waterwheels and Steam Engines-1902 Lombard Water Wheel Governors Catalouge 26 Ridgway Perfection Water-Wheel Vertical Shaft Water Wheel Driven Generators- General Electric Westinghouse Small Vertical Waterwheel-Driven A-C Generators, July 1944
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Pepperell Web Page January 23, 2013 Our brand new, Kiser turbine arrived yesterday.
Here, the guys have uncovered the gatecase and runner. They have inserted a 30 ton strap through the blades in preparation for the excavator to unload it.
Here, the new runner is hanging by a single large shackle from the excavator.
We are transporting the new gate case to the lockup at the transformer yard.
A birds eye view of the discharge end of the new runner.
Both pieces ($450,000) are tucked safely away behind the fence.
Here is a photo of our new Kiser stainless steel gate case. Note that both the outer stay vanes and the wicket gates have been fitted to the crown cover and stay ring.
Here is a photo of our new Kiser stainless steel runner. They have just turned the outside circumference of the crown of the runner and the outside circumference of the skirt ring.
We are preparing to fly the Number One Generator over to the Number Three generator pedestal. We are getting ready for when the penstock will be done at the end of January. The new, Kiser, runner and gate case, delivery got delayed to mid November, then to mid December and now it is supposed to be delivered in early January. We need to have at least two units operational so we are marrying the good generator to the good turbine. When the Kiser turbine comes we will install it in the turbine pit. Then, when the rebuilt Westinghouse generator comes back from Maine, we will install the rebuilt by Stoltz Electric generator to the new Kiser turbine. This is a view of the lower guide bearing with the lubricating gear pump installed and half the crankcase installed.
We are flying the newly assembled rotor to its new location.
The rotor is almost down!
The last adjustments are being made.
The contractors, North East Infrastructure of Hudson, MA. are making progress on the penstock. The river has come up and they still need to pour the last two penstock footings. They have made a circular coffer dam in the river bed and have been continuously pumping it out while they build the final set of forms.
Look at these heroic guys working in the middle of a river, with 700 square miles of drainage area, during flood stage and its 18 degrees Fahrenheit!!! The foreman and driving force on the project is Brad Baker. He is an ex US Marine Sergeant who learned how to command men. He is easy going and very polite but when he wants something done his crew does not hesitate. He and his crew are tough as nails. That is him manning the pumps. Previous to this I watched him walk across the five foot deep water, in full waders and climb over the wall of the coffer dam like it was a walk across the parking lot on a sunny day!!
Another view of the coffer dam.
This poor welder is doing all of the welding on these 45 long joints inside and outside.
Here, Mike Desrouche and John Remington are crouching beneath the No. Three rotor. They have bolted the two halves of the lower guide vane together in preparation of raising it into place with threaded rod.
Here they have raised the bearing into place on four threaded rods high enough so that John Remington can install the ring of 0ne inch bolts
Here are
four newly minted Lignum Vitae quarter blocks. They Lignum Vitae
arrives in the shop as a log. Warren cuts them into end grain
blocks. He machines the blocks and cuts tongue and grooves into
the sides of the blocks with the big Cincinnati milling machine.
He spreads glues on the tongue and groove sides and compresses
them in the 150 ton hydraulic press. After they dry, he line
bores them with the Lucas horizontal boring machine and installs
the threaded rod tie bolts. Finally, he mills off the corners.
If you do not mill the corners off, the longitudinal corner of
the wood wedges itself into the edge of the cast iron quarter
block assembly and tears the cast iron asunder. Two giant excavators moving a piece of new penstock.
The penstock is slowly moving along in spite of high water. Note the pipe is supported by ring stiffeners mounted on concrete footings.
The excavator is bringing a bucket of concrete up the river to a penstock footing form.
Poor picture of a pour. The guys are vibrating the concrete into the form as the excavator drops the concrete out of the bucket. October 29th, 2012
Pepperell Penstock Replacement:
Here is our grody old wooden penstock. It is 500 feet long and 13 feet in diameter. It has concrete cradles every six feet to support the weight of the water. It is 70 years old and causes us to lose sleep at night. We are spending $ 5,000,000 to replace it in steel and make other improvements.
Here the wooden penstock is gone. The Jersey barrier coffer dam keeps most of the water out of the work area.
Here this enormous excavator is attempting to install the steel adapter piece into the forebay wall. |